Infinite Block
Graphic Design / Branding
Logo design for Infitnite Block- belongs to a media/events startup Micromobility Industries that explores the future of small vehicles for small trips in cities (ebikes, scooter, mopeds, etc).
Increasingly, they’re broadening their focus to encompass the entire connected ecosystem of cities, technology, and culture.
To make that transition, they are forming this new parent company-Infitnite Block. For which they commisioned me to create a new logo built upon the brand’s foundation- a combination of Urbanism and new technologies. With web3 building blocks, collaboration and construction of new institutions will take root and blossom.
Logo design for Infitnite Block- belongs to a media/events startup Micromobility Industries that explores the future of small vehicles for small trips in cities (ebikes, scooter, mopeds, etc).
Increasingly, they’re broadening their focus to encompass the entire connected ecosystem of cities, technology, and culture.
To make that transition, they are forming this new parent company-Infitnite Block. For which they commisioned me to create a new logo built upon the brand’s foundation- a combination of Urbanism and new technologies. With web3 building blocks, collaboration and construction of new institutions will take root and blossom.
Primary colors

Secondary colors

Symbol standalone

Includes wordmark


FK Grotesk Neue Medium